Well it depends on whether u r gonna buy new books or second hand ones and how many subjects ur taking. If ur taking the full load of 24 credit pts, which is 4 x 6cp business subjects, then i think it'll range from $200 to 250 for new books
Does anyone know the failure rate of certain types of business structures e.g. percentage that business partnership or sole trader go out of business.
And also where's the best place to look up this kind of statistics, like any particular website or books
really! wow that does make me feel a bit better cos i did all the assessments and stuff and passed all of them, but so worried abt the final 1 i'm just aiming for a pass, now i got 3 days to cram as much in as possible and get a pass, while also studying for stat170, which is a pretty easy...
hey does n e 1 know if the uai cut-offs for the mid year transfer abnormally higher than the previous uai cut-offs? Cos i'm kinda scared that i won't get to transfer cos my uai isn't realy that high
i was wondering if transfering from one uni to another one is a difficult process? And would it be better to transfer at the end of the year or during mid year? I'm studying at macquarie uni but want to transfer to uts to do b business and not sure when i should transfer. Can people give details...
really! cos i heard that econ111 is much harder than macroeconomics. macro is getting kinda boring with all those graphs and damn relationships between the variables. by the way how did every1 go in the exam cos i know i totally screwed up. i can't believe a friend said that the exam was easy, i...
i'm totally screwed as well. Econ110 is such a hard subject and it requires too much thinking and processing than the other subjects i'm doing! and i only found out that for my course i have to do 6 economic subjects over the 4 yrs and i'm doing half of them in my first yr! Also i heard that...