Recent content by CheeseToast

  1. CheeseToast

    HSC rankings

    NESA actually does talk about this: The number of students may be more or less than the number of places due to tied students or not enough students achieving the highest possible band. For differentiating about state ranks, NESA has a strict procedure: If two or more students are equal...
  2. CheeseToast

    help with reading paper

    It would be best to be specific since it would make your reasons significantly better. Think of it his way: all texts give emotions, so to analyse on text on emotions would be EXACTLY the same for another text. However, by being specific on the emotion (e.g. disgust, anger, love), you are...
  3. CheeseToast

    Math textbooks used yr 11 for advanced and extension 1

    I use MIF (Math In Focus) for both subjects at my school. Personally, I do not think it REALLY matters what textbook you use. I think textbooks are best used as a starting point to learn all the content for the subject and get comfortable with some of its primitive applications (or some...
  4. CheeseToast

    help with reading paper

    Here is my attempt for a response: Text 2 invites the reader to share the character's emotion during his experience of moving home by illustrating the personally emotional connection the character has in his individual experience of changing homes to America and the subsequent transformation...