UNSW uses the LAT on a sliding scale, so the higher your ATAR, the less your required LAT has to be, and with a lower ATAR, a higher LAT is needed. So if you're set for an ATAR of 99+ there is a very strong chance you're going to receive an offer for UNSW law. I know of quite a few people who...
As far as I know, anything above 6.0 GPA makes you a competitive applicant so a 6.6+ should basically guarantee you a transfer into software engineering. Good luck with your last exam and the transfer!
Hey there! As far as I know, UoN bases the interview off the UMAT only and everyone who attends the interview is then scored and ranked accordingly. This means that the university already has a list of candidates who are going to receive an offer to their medical program, provided that they...
Last year there wasn't an emphasis on knowing tricky words and most of the words were quite basic but as aoc said the answer options were quite similar and that's why you needed to have a very high understanding of the text to pick the correct option. Also when you're tossing up between two I...
From what I can remember, last year's UMAT S2 had less emphasis on vocabulary and knowing definitions of words. Also, the texts were shorter in comparison to MedEntry, meaning that you really have to understand the text well in order to get the questions right. Section 1 had a combination of...
Hey there, I sat the UMAT last year and I found that the level of difficulty for section 3 was quite similar to MedEntry, and the same techniques can be used in the actual exam. From what I know, section 3 doesn't really ever change in the sense that the same patterns are used by ACER every...
I think either Arts or International Studies would be appropriate considering your career goals, as both would allow you to gain experience in the humanities. However it is worth considering that International Studies/Law is 6 years in comparison to Arts/Law which is 5, and also the former...
Hey there,
If you're keen to keep exploring your interest in music and literature, then you can consider an arts/law degree! With the arts side of your degree, you can major in the study of English and study a minor in Music, or even the other way around. Also don't quote me on this but I'm also...
Offers come out next Thursday, the 21st of December, so if you reached the cutoff for guaranteed entry, with or without bonus points you should be receiving an offer next Thursday.
Hey Jakulore, I'm more or less in the same position you were a year ago and I was wondering, since you've had one year of law at unsw under your belt, how competitive is law at unsw? How have you found dual law in general? Thanks in advance :)
So how did you guys go? I scored 91/100, which was 92nd percentile, and I'm pretty happy with that! Also can any 2016ers who received an offer to UNSW Law post their LAT and ATAR, just so we can have some sort of indication as to what atar + lat combo is required for admission?
Re: Dual State Ranker Essays/Creatives: English Adv (98), Extension 1 (50), Extension
Hi Anya, I was wondering if you had any good resources for discovery :)