Recent content by creamcake

  1. C

    Accessing VTAC First Round Offers..?

    Does it get posted in the newspaper for interstaters as well?
  2. C

    Saranya =)

    Saranya =)
  3. C

    Stimulus writing

    Ah crap, I'm so screwed if I get that for stimulus. You could do something about cultural belonging. Like live in the country but not belong there. Although that's the invited context, so prolly about a million other people will do that. ...crap, just realised this thread is from March. Sorry.
  4. C


    Are you kidding? Bladerunner is an AMAZING movie. Especially considering it was made in the early 80's. I thought it'd be as dodgy as the first star wars movie. Bladerunner makes you think. I love that in movies.
  5. C

    Ancient or Modern?

    Ancient all the way!! I found modern boring as hell.