Recent content by creeqer

  1. creeqer

    Maths Ext 2 Predictions

    there aren't official answers yet but Ringo Mok has released his own answers on his website. just google his name and you will find his website
  2. creeqer

    riverview 2018

    Does anyone have the solutions to the 2018 Riverview Chemistry prelim. THSC doesn't have the solutions attached. Thanks
  3. creeqer

    killara extension 1 2023 trial solutions

    thank you! i must have downloaded the file from another website then
  4. creeqer

    killara extension 1 2023 trial solutions

    hi i just did the killara extension 1 2023 trial paper which i got from thsc but just realised they don't have the solutions attached so i cant check my answers. does anyone have the solutions?
  5. creeqer

    is my teacher right allowing me to drop a subject?

    i have completed the ext 1 prelim course. i am now doing (as well as ext 1 and 2 math) english advanced, chemistry, physics, software and music totalling to 14 units. i want to drop music which would leave the total to 12 but only 11 being a prelim course (3 from ext 1 which i completed then 4...
  6. creeqer

    is my teacher right allowing me to drop a subject?

    hi i am currently in year 11 accelerating extension 2 maths so i will do my hsc for that this year. when i started year 11 i was told that i must have 12 units of preliminary subjects (which doesn't include extension 2) so right now i am currently doing 14 units but only 13 are preliminary...