Recent content by crimson_delight

  1. crimson_delight

    Should I drop english extension 2? I will only have 10 units....

    Honey, you're better off doing 10 units you can do well, and manage well, than doing 11 units and stressing out and just fucking things up completely. It's up to you, depends on how much you can handle but you seem pretty stressed about Ex2, although, you don't need an E4 to do well ... E3 will...
  2. crimson_delight

    General Thoughts: General Mathematics

    This is exactly how I felt! :) For someone who didn't study that much, I found it surprisingly easy, which I suppose will bring down my mark because I'm expecting a mark of between 75-80, and if everyone else does well, I'll be scaled down badly. Funfunfun. Oh well. At the end of the day, it's...
  3. crimson_delight

    Module B Hate Thread

    Yeats? Yeah? AMONG FUCKING SCHOOL CHILDREN? Nup fuck ya.
  4. crimson_delight

    How much did you write?

    5, 4, 6. 10 words a line, small handwriting. :s
  5. crimson_delight

    English Help Needed

    Re: English Help Needed - No-one reads the english area I'm no master at English, but what I tend to do is basically learn my techniques, and my main arguments from each text, so for AYLI, I'll write in dot-points exactly what the play conveys about Belonging, and the textual evidence for it...
  6. crimson_delight

    The reason l didn't go to UTS open day.

    I agree! I went to UTS, and couldn't have been happier with the Open Day. And USYD Primary Education is a joke. I was so disappointed, but UTS was fantastic for what I wanted. And the food looked delicious but I'm too poor to afford any. :D
  7. crimson_delight

    PD/H/PE Trials!

    I sat the Catholic Trials, and our whole cohort did terribly. I felt sorry for our teacher because she works hard and really wants us to do well, but aksjdnfkjndsa our school and our year did awful in the Trials, as a whole. The highest for PD was 85%, I think. The average was 54%. Either I go...
  8. crimson_delight

    I hate the HSC

    The only thing that is keeping me sane is the vision of the Doctor Who and Harry Potter marathon I am going to have as soon as I finish my last exam, on the 31st October. GO GO GO.
  9. crimson_delight

    Oh hey there! :) Love the glasses. :D Darren is SMFAH, hahaha. I've finally found another...

    Oh hey there! :) Love the glasses. :D Darren is SMFAH, hahaha. I've finally found another Starkid! Hooray~
  10. crimson_delight

    Letters to Alice and Pride and Prejudice

    Oh yeah I've been looking for examples from these two texts for ages (nobody I know is studying LTA and PP ... well except obviously my class, but you know), and haven't been able to find much ... Role of women: LTA: epistolary form usually provides various perspectives, but the fact that LTA...
  11. crimson_delight

    English trials?

    With the mushroom poem, I don't even want to ... grr. I think I mentioned something about the individual's relationship with the natural world and how it triggers a sense of belonging or something, I don't even remember. My creative went okay - though it was only three pages, I've gathered that...
  12. crimson_delight

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Hello fellow Extension 1/2 students, or past students. If you could take the time to read this, and help me, I would greatly appreciate it. So fucking much. Cheers. I'm failing this subject miserably (averaging around 40%), and I really need help on my creative, more than anything. We're...
  13. crimson_delight

    Out of these possible majors for commerce that i want pls pick 2. (the best)

    None of them sound personally appealing to me, and it's really up to you to decide. Depending on what you want to do and what you're good at, I mean. For me, if it had to be out of these, I'd study human resource management and perhaps international business. IDK.
  14. crimson_delight

    Nocturnals V.S Early Birds

    I know a lot of my friends are nocturnals, and though they're normally tired, it's not like they perform abysmally. However, some people (like me) need really good sleep in order to perform adequately in an exam, so during exam week I'm in bed by nine, up at 6:15. This is mainly to avoid rushing...
  15. crimson_delight

    English trials?

    I might just remark here on how terrible this poem was; I'm pretty sure I received a 0/3 for this question even though I wrote a half-page analysis. What even.