Recent content by Cumquat

  1. C

    Imaginative Journeys

    The imaginitative journey is the journey of the mind, it often becomes a facilitator for physical and inner journeys. The imaginitive journey is a speculative journey of the mind that inspires possiblity in the 'real' world.
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    Moving Out

    OKay so i have come to the decision: i am moving out of home. I want to be as prepared as possible as i still will be compleating yr11 (this term) and year 12. SO i realise i need to be smart; i know i can earn 250 a week and still study resonably comfortably but i have two options; 1) Pay rent...
  3. C

    Anglo-Saxon females in Yr. 11/12?? Please do my PIP questionnaire-HSC Pressure

    Female Yr 11 1. On a scale of 1-10 (1 being the lowest priority and 10 being the highest priority) how important is your education in your life at the moment? 6 2. Do your parents think your education is more important than you think it is? a Yes b No c We believe it is equally important 3...
  4. C

    Socally Crippled Or Enhanced?? Quick Questionaire :) Thanks!!

    ARE you : Male Female How old are you: 14-15 16-17 18-19 20-21 22-23 Where do you live: Rural Urban Do you have a casual job? Yes/No How many computers are within your home: 1 2 3 4 5 6+ What is your main purpose for using the computer...
  5. C

    Do U Really Have A Social Life???!!

    Internet personality= true true, i have a friend who never talks at sckool yet her myspace profile declares she likes to 'dance drunk on tabletops'. People can appear alot more confident over the internet... I was also thinking about the websites that are created by anorexic people for...
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    Do U Really Have A Social Life???!!

    Hey, the other day iwas thinking about how much teen's rely on technology ( this thought was triggered by the fact my mobile was stolen).every single day i will send a text, talk on the phone, msn and myspace.... I was wondering how this affects you think it makes people more...
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    ahaha yes good point and i will sheepishly admit i do have some randoms on my myspace. He is friends with the girls i work with but i hadn't actually met him before. XX
  8. C


    So i was walking down a street near where i live and this random (yet cute ) guy is giving me a strange look..'do i know you?' i ask him 'It's Matt from MYSPACE!' he replies ahhhh now the world makes sense again..he added me and we had 'talked (typed)'. soo my point is this is what the world has...
  9. C

    The 'CLUBs' Guide (sydney)

    whats the best club 2 go to if ur id's a bit dodge? lol my friends said mylk wasn't to bad but hear most places are tight as..
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    Partying- when did you start??

    because it's the most interesting forum, lol and i guess if u think about it...for an extended amount of time you could link it by saying you often meet alot of new people at parties...and i'd have to say i met my x-boyfriends at a party............
  11. C

    Partying- when did you start??

    Okay guys so there came an age where we outgrew sitting at home on saturday nite with our parents, and in my case siblings. so my question is when did you start going out to parties. ( i am referring to typical teenage parties ( Northern beaches style if u know what i mean)
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    Partying- when did you start??

    This is in reference to the typical parties, often you go with a group of friends.. drink and dance the night away, not referring to the thomas the tank engine parties you attened when you were five ;)
  13. C


    haha, u funni :P but i guess it was a response...hehe
  14. C


    Hey guys, Latley i have observed Partee's seem to be a "rite of passage " (to go all nerdy on u :) lol) At the moment i am doing my mini-pip for Society and culture and wanting to know your respones to the statement that : Parties are the present day debutante balls. If you do not...