I know for a fact UBS run them still. There's a guy in my course currently doing it. I'd argue it would be the hardest thing to get into though, as in he probably was a 99.95 kid (is doing com/law at usyd so atleast 99.7) and he underwent psychometric testing etc, the whole shebang. I'd wager he...
Just to contextualise your question;
What do you WANT usyd for? Will it get you employment overseas (more likely than other universities), how? It is attempting to internationalise itself. That being said, why not UMelb? Why not Monash? Why not ANU?
Because Usyd and UNSW reside in the same...
A bit more of an 'abstract' take on the thread topic, and a little thing I mull over sometimes, is how we assume Investment Banking, and more widely the Finance industry as a value-creator. Obviously my thoughts aren't knew, as they have been echoed by Carl Fox in Wall Street "Stop going for the...
Usyd has around 3-4 business buildings really. Definately not as impressive as UNSW's though. There's merewhether, storey dixson/the other half of it (can't remember), and the Busniess and economics building (essentially a computer lab). Main one though is merewhether.
An analysis on the age old comparison of courses would reveal as much about the subjective decider and the objective facts facing him.
But with that I'll give you some guidelines on making a choice;
What do you want out of uni?
How wide is the difference between your choices (are you...
As a student currently transferring out of Comm (lib) I'd reccomend you choose Com/arts. This is primarily due to a few reasons (warning; I see university as an investment that has to have a certain ROI, if you're doing it more for interests sake my post is less relevant);
1. Commerce...