i go to the coffee cart pretty much purely for the friendly staff
the lil "hello dere" that the bloke says when you get to the front of the line is worth 100 coffees on a hangover-filled rainy morning
hey all
i was just wondering what parts of the HSC chemistry course (and prelim course for that matter) are relevant if you want to study medicine (in particular at UNSW).
i've heard that you should be familar with organic chemistry as opposed to inorganic, but i was hoping perhaps someone...
So, i was wonderin whether it was possible to do a year in the Economics course at Syd, and then transfer across to a combined Ecos/Law degree?
if it is, then what sorta marks do i need to get in the first year to make the jump across. i heard they combine uni marks with your ATAR, but i got...
alright, the 99.85 cutoff is for the combined med degree, i.e. MBBS + the Bachelor in arts. - similar to the courses offered by USyd for those with 99.95 ATARs
the 93.00/95.00 cutoff on the other hand refers to simply the MBBS course.
now the UMAT score of 137.5 refers to a scaled mark out...
i was wonderin how you could translate an ATAR into a mark out of 500, like what my parents got when they did their hSC
cheers, and i hope you all went wel today :D
although it depends on your subjects, i'd be surprised if you got 94 - but im really not an expert
you can just check it yourself with those atar calculators, i think they'r fairly accurate (give or take say 5 points max)
i think theyr called SAM, UMAX or Albert Einstein or something
in a '96 Fairlane
scrubbed tires
with 3 mates in the back all pissed
and me, pissed as well
in a school zone
with 6 cops on my tail
during rush hour
i could've gone faster but.
all this talk about the 'gene pool' i reckon wasn't motivated racially.
its all in the same vein as "THe Darwin Awards"
i.e. if a kid from any race had killed himself over a single test then maybe he just isn't ready to pass on his traits to the next kid.
and jesus stop getting fired up...
sounds fucking suspicious to me...
goes home, tells his parents that he cheated, and then is found poisoned and hung? and then the body is cremated before the cops can have a look in?
fuck wheres Inspector Barnaby when u need him..