Recent content by Darth_UNSW

  1. Darth_UNSW

    Help with UNSW flexible cores

    Also from easiest to hardest, where do you rank fins1613, math1041, econ1203 and tabl1710?
  2. Darth_UNSW

    Help with UNSW flexible cores

    I'm currently in first sem of comm/infs and the flexible cores i can do are acct1511, econ1102, fins1613, tabl1710 and mark1012. i went to the asb student centre and spoke to a lady but she didn't seem very certain. In the handbook it says choose 3 courses, but she insisted that I could...
  3. Darth_UNSW

    Labs week 1 unsw

    thanks. never knew you could do that! for anyone else wondering, no labs.
  4. Darth_UNSW

    Labs week 1 unsw

    can anyone confirm whether or not labs are on this week at unsw or do they start next week like tutorials????????????????????
  5. Darth_UNSW

    How Did You Write A Band 6 Essay?

    My introduction was short and sweet. My paragraphs didn't follow TEEL or whatever you want to call it exactly. I just put in as much evidence as I needed (using and integrating a LOT of quotes). My conclusions were laudable tbh. They hardly did anything except briefly (briefly) sum up my ideas...
  6. Darth_UNSW

    80-85 Atar with Standard English and General maths

    80-85 is definitely achievable so long as you put in the effort.
  7. Darth_UNSW

    Does WHERE you get your degree from really matter?

    This debate exists for a reason: it has some truth to it. Whilst it is by no means the only factor it's a big one.
  8. Darth_UNSW

    UNSW lecture repeats

    Thanks guys. Fortunately i was able to fix up the timetable (lucky, considering it's so late) and still only going 3 days a week.
  9. Darth_UNSW

    UNSW lecture repeats

    are you sure? because I'm cbf to go an extra day for one lecture. i thought i could skip one.
  10. Darth_UNSW

    UNSW lecture repeats

    My timetable says I have 2 econ1101 lectures per week, one on Tuesday, one on Thursday. Are they just repeats or are they different stuff?
  11. Darth_UNSW

    Your Opinion On "Back Up" Units

    I did maths a year early so that was a great backup. If your school offers acceleration, do it. I also did English X 1 and 2. Neither ended up counting towards my ATAR but they were fun. EX1 was a minimal workload and EX2 was finished ages before final exams so no biggie. I think the minimum...
  12. Darth_UNSW

    English Homework- yes or no?

    If you can get away with it, don't do hw questions. They're useless. Study the text yourself. Make detailed notes, compose essays and do practice ones. Without a doubt the hw I did for it never achieved anything. Doing essays is thought provoking and inspires originality.
  13. Darth_UNSW

    Does cramming work? Tell your stories and experiences.

    It helps if you've studied it to some extent at an earlier date. That way when you cram you're like, "oh yeah, I remember this."
  14. Darth_UNSW

    Should I transfer to Commerce/Laws from Economics/Laws?

    Purely from what I've heard, commerce is far more flexible in terms of employment. You can enter an incredibly broad range of work doing comm/law, but significantly less with eco/law.