Thanks for that. I did end up going in last week and joined for a year. Its about $23 a fortnight and the gym was pretty good. Will certainly be a good way to de-stress.
I went a couple of days ago. It was a lecture situation and at the end they dealt with specific queries. Make sure you have all your documentation and photocopies of them, plus have your paperwork filled out.
Lectures etc always finish a little early so the room is clear for the next class, so you have plenty of time to get to your next class/lecture. I find its better to fit what you can into one day so you have more non uni time to study etc. Back to back lectures etc sound full on but the reality...
Is it considered plagiarism if you reuse your own work? For instance, you do a course at one uni and write and hand in an essay and then a year later are asked at another uni to write an essay on the same topic could you hand in a polished version of the previously submitted essay? Is that still...
I have planned out the tutes etc i hope to be able to get, just so i have a basic idea of my timetable. But basically you have to wait for tute registration.
Re: The Idiot's Guide to University (FAQ)
One thing i wish students were told in my first year at uni is ... Dont talk during lectures! It drives the people who are there to learn nuts. If you are going to talk through the lecture why go at all?? peeve.