Recent content by delyall

  1. D

    This is the End.

    Re: Final Countdown 20 min to go. i can't take staring at the screen waiting much longer!
  2. D

    Official countdown for HSC results.

    anyone esle want to get their UAI more then their actual results?
  3. D

    Official assessment rankings.

    you guys don't seem to have many people in your years. maybe you will get an idea of how many people are in year twelve at my school. i think its round 250- 300? Eng adv 2/ 179 ext one eng 2/39 ext 2 eng 1/6 maths adv 30/89 chem 14/46 ancient history 3/ 55
  4. D

    Official countdown for HSC results.

    what about a letter????? what did it say abput scaling? why didnt i get one? anyone? explain?
  5. D

    General Thoughts - Ancient History

    I havent seen one person mention anything about a Greek world 500-440BC historical period. If there is someone speak up! lol i think i did okay i chose the navy question over the Delian league one. I also did Xerxes and Persian society. Anyone else do these?