my PIP topic is centered around social networking sites like Facebook and its impact on the interrelationships of Australian teenagers.
is this too broad? and any ideas on how i can incorporate a cross- cultural component (culture, gender, time etc)??
ehh havent really started on much.. :S
my PIP topic is centered around social networking sites like Facebook and its impact on the interrelationships of Australian teenagers.
is this too broad? and any ideas on how i can incorporate a cross- cultural component (culture, gender, time etc)??
ehh havent really started on much.. :S
lol wow! yeah okay im pretty much decided!
now to tell my parents T________T
i'm just worried cos tomorrow's assessment is gonna count for year 12..
and then i drop to general.. so argh it sucks! =/
but anywho, yeaaaah i'll be less stressed (Y)
wish i dropped sooooner instead of mulling...
You know the thing is I have a 2 Unit Maths Assessment tomorrow.
And I am dooooooomed :(
Yeah you're right, I feel the same. I'd rather do well in General than suffer in 2 unit.
Hmm, I'm thinking straight after my failed exam, I'm gonna ask about dropping to General!
*not ask, actually do it LOL
Yeah I want to drop. I've pretty much been thinking about it for a while!
But yeah there's like a stigma attached to general maths but I really am not great at it!
I hate comparing myself to others esp. in maths but I feel pretty dumb too T______T
Thanks anyway :)
Right now, I'm doing 2 Unit Maths but after getting my results back, it's clear to me I should certainly drop it altogether :@
But yeah, it just feels weird not doing maths. And is it to late to drop to general?
I'm kinda torn because I'm set on doing financial planning/accounting or...