Recent content by dracover

  1. D

    really want to be actuary, need your advice

    i'm just gonna stop the debate on job no.s cause obviously our ideas is different. i have my sources u have urs and we'll both think we're rite no point debating that. as far as the rest of that. ur assuming the person in the original post is a top notch student. his goona get top grades...
  2. D

    First Yr ECON & MATH units..

    not sure but if it is something u must do then i suspect u have to at least get 45 which is a pc. realli thats basically a pass onli few people get pcs anyways and thats usually for people who like fail but since their weekly tuts and mid sems and stuff were done well they give u a pc. so...
  3. D

    Macquarie Centre carpark

    ahh dam oh well there goes that idea. theres always behind the golf course haha
  4. D

    MQ Comedy Club and Magic Society

    i know a few people in the magic society i'll get bak to u on contact. they're pretty active i hear they have weekly tutorials sessions on tricks and the like.
  5. D

    Macquarie Centre carpark

    i have noticed that the staff parking area, none of the cars have any identifying marks to show its a staff a sticker or something u cna try that =D
  6. D

    really want to be actuary, need your advice

    that might be true for your yeat but definetely not for mine. pwc was the onli one from my knowledge that took anything substantial and that was 5 off the top of my head. many of the others some who came to give presentations at careers events and such had even stricter requirement (what they...
  7. D

    really want to be actuary, need your advice

    well theres more then 100 people sitting in my classes and i mean acst 300 and 400 lvl classes. i dont know any exact figures but just from class no. i expect there to be more then 100 a yr honestly 400lvl acst is rather straight forward i doubt many people if any will need to repeat it. i know...
  8. D

    Easiest Electives

    nah they changed the maf 133 course i think wen u did it (based on ur hsc yr) it was like me its equivalent to the current 132 and 133 in one course + group theory that they removed from the course so i guess it would be much easier.
  9. D

    Accg329, Acst305, Acst300,accg352

    well wen i did 305 i had a friend doing 352 i fink their the 2 u can switch between the main difference is that 352 u learn theory 305 u learn how the mafs work behind it so like 352 they'll say rate of return on investment have been said to have been shown to be these models whilst 305 u make...
  10. D

    Accg329, Acst305, Acst300,accg352

    acst300 is all theory so probably not for u if u dont like it. acst305 is mafs and more mafs. stocastic models mostly.
  11. D

    Excess of 14 credit points

    i did 15 one semester i rem the requirement was a min 3.5 gpa. 16 is highly doubtful summer is def betta option unfortunately thats wat happens wen u change course.
  12. D

    busl320 cheat sheet

    ye i was thinking about that during the exam. i rem the 50k cap but i thought y would they cap fbt? it would effectively mean they can give extra fbt without getting taxed on it so i thought no it must onli apply to deduction but no confirmation on that.
  13. D


    lol i had him in his final yr lol i got a D and was like wtf how did i pull that off haha. the pain of that subject is like 0.o i rem him saying his course has like close to 60% fail rate but then again i dont realli think the test was that hard. its an example of how u realli should just fail...
  14. D

    busl320 cheat sheet

    lol yeah a few questions were straight out of the tuts. i neva realli undertood the last one like her system doesnt even work...but anyways. q3 got to me cause i couldnt c wat the problem was. everything seemed clear cut yet the bottom said if u can find ways to adress the issue u get...
  15. D

    Why does everyone fear ACST300 - Insurance and Superannuation practice

    its not hard. its an easy subject if u can do some self learning. the reason y its considered or was considered hard. 1. negative marking throughout. that means for every incorrect answer u dont just get 0 u get -1 this means u can pass under other exams but get 0 for 300. 2. i heard...