Recent content by drpepper127

  1. D

    The future for law students

    I don't think students and parents would really give this much attention because it goes onto HECS. Wouldn't a significant increase in law course fees make potential students and their parents think twice about its worth? Wouldn't it separate those who are committed and interested from those who...
  2. D

    Accepting Offers + Enrolment?

    I think Sydney you physically have to go and enrol and mostly the other universities (including UTS) enrolment can be completed online. I'd hold off booking that holiday until you know for sure/find a more reputable source.
  3. D

    Help, UTS - Business or UNSW - Commerce

    If you do Arts at UNSW I'm fairly sure you can do the Commerce subjects... You just won't technically be an ASB student. Transfer after a year = no time lost
  4. D

    Post your subject regrets

    Business Studies How has no one said Business Studies yet?
  5. D

    Release of Semester1 2013 Results

    T1 ACCT1501 Accounting & Financial Mgt 1A....81 DN T1 ECON1101 Microeconomics 1.................83 DN T1 ECON1203 Business & Economic Statistics...67 CR T1 FINS1613 Business Finance.................78 DN Fuck you stats. Fuck you.
  6. D

    Release of Semester1 2013 Results

    Respect. See you in ACCT1511 Tute next sem ;)
  7. D

    Safe suburbs

    Ah, I see. You must've seen a lot of shit lol
  8. D

    Safe suburbs

    You don't really go to a hospital unless you have to either...
  9. D

    Safe suburbs

    Westfield Liverpool is alright, but head down more Liverpool Plaza way... That's another story. You don't go there unless you have to
  10. D

    fins1613 quiz 4

    Lectures 9-11 pretty sure, not sure which chapters that correspond to though.
  11. D

    Is a commerce degree hard?

    All it means is some concepts will be new, whereas if you did those subjects they might be a bit familiar. The maths... I have friends that did general and they're doing fine.
  12. D

    UNSW Finance subjects...

    Bump. Anybody :spin:
  13. D

    UNSW Finance subjects...

    I've picked FINS2624 as an elective subject for semester two, and I've had two people tell me very different things about what to expect. I'm trying to optimise my WAM this year for a transfer, and yes I have been warned about "WAM destroyer" something Yip. However, he is not lecturing next...
  14. D

    Which subs should i pick for s2?

    Hmmm ok. I've heard about him, is it as bad without? Still a wam killer? Or would you recommend mgmt over it if wam optimising...