Math 2u - 94
MX1 - 45
Eng adv. -89
Eng Ex1 -42
Physics - 85
Business - 87
Legal - 89
Atar guess - 92.65 maybe? (not bad considering my school rank is >200 and i can't even find it anywhere :D)
Sometimes i surprise myself.
Might have something to do with completing from my textbook 11;6,7,8,9 and 16.1through10 in the last day. my mind is a little bit mush :D
Current question i'm doing;
Find as a relation between p, q anr r, the condition for the quadratic equation in x
(p^2 - q^2 )x^2 +2q (p + r)x + (q^2 - r^2 = 0) to have equal roots. simplify your answer as far as possible.
Post holiday brain malfunction is upon me, and have no idea what to...
I've been scouring the net for the last 2 hours and am having trouble finding anything vaguely related to the contingency theory.
perfect situation being a case study which shows a business changing from 1 style to the contingency style, but any examples of a known business even USING the...