Recent content by Eaglez Wingz

  1. Eaglez Wingz

    Why do you read?

    I read because it sets my imagination loose. And because i enjoy it :P
  2. Eaglez Wingz

    Photoshop & Photography.

    Wise-Wingz on deviantART Except, I'm thinking of changing the name. tell me what you guise think.
  3. Eaglez Wingz

    Bush dodges again!

    Yeah I totally lol'd at it when i heard it on the news.
  4. Eaglez Wingz

    Animorphs or Goosebumps?

    Goosebumps FTW!!!:cool:
  5. Eaglez Wingz

    Chances of me going to a Selective School (different person)

    I was just wondering, did you make it in?
  6. Eaglez Wingz

    Songs you CANNOT stop listening to

    Greenday - Holiday Story Of the Year - Wake Up