I should have dropped bio because I hated it so much and couldn't stand studying it. I should have kept extension 1 maths because I had no idea that it scaled that well and it wasn't as difficult as I made it out to be.
Life of Pi-Contained a lot of symbolism and metaphors which I would need to watch a few times to pick up. Definitely one of the most visually stunning films I've ever seen; I think it's worth watching just for the beautiful visuals. It was quite philosophical and I felt satisfied at the end but...
I know this might sound like a cliché but believe me, it happened and still shocks me to this day.
There was someone in my grade who wasn't liked by very many people. She never really studied hard and always relied on scabbing notes during years 7-11 so it shocked pretty much everyone when she...
I've never seen it in a HSC paper but I have seen questions before. They're quite difficult and my school never went through them so I wouldn't count on it being in an exam.
It's quite common for them to ask for the theory about that though so make sure you have it covered :).
I wasn't as concerned about last night as I should have been. Part of me already knows I'll most likely be getting into my 3rd preference but another part is still hoping to get into my 1st.
Oh well, I wish luck to all of us :).
I'm talking about it from the standpoint of a movie though. I do know some people who thought it should have been longer so like I said, just an opinion from someone who had no exposure to any of the plot beforehand apart from a quick viewing of the trailer.
Les Misérables: The first act with Anne Hathaway was by far the best part of the film, in fact so much so that the rest is a bit overshadowed. Still good however,but also unnecessarily long in my opinion (I haven't seen the broadway though, so I shouldn't talk).
Also, 98% of this film is...