~define the term ‘threshold’ and explain why not all stimuli generate an action potential...
I have no idea why I've never even heard of this....I dont see it any where in my notes or text book and googling sure didn't help much either lol. Can anyone help me out here? :)...
click on the has a section about what to eat while studying and a little bit about the effects of caffeine..
I don't understand why this thread even started. Can the moderators please lock/close it down? Honestly you have no idea how many people here have known someone who has commited suicide. And we certainly don't need people making stupid and uncalled for comments about this topic.
lmaoo i was just waiting for a wang comment...i knew it would happen. Well, what you lack in one area you freakishly make up for in another...*shudders*
Iran has opened its nuclear plants for inspection from European officials. That just proves that the US' claims are false.
I'm from Iran myself, and have been there recently. Jay-Dupree you are right, the majority are basically westernised, especially the youth. Tehran is by far the most...
you have a point there. Well, I'm really interested in
pyshc. .......
early childhood studies ....
nutrition .....
social science ....
I really dont think that they have pre-req's for these sorts of degrees
do they?
=) thankyou by the way
I went to this maths workshop yesterday, and the maths teacher who got a uai of 90+ said for me to actually drop general maths not because I'm doing bad or anything, its just because I'm doing better in all the other subjects and maths is my lowest mark so far. I'm doing 13 units right now, and...
I went to this maths workshop yesterday, and the maths teacher who got a uai of 90+ said for me to actually drop general maths not because I'm doing bad or anything, its just because I'm doing better in all the other subjects and maths is my lowest mark so far. I'm doing 13 units right now, and...
lol thanks tanjin. I know I have to study for it. You know whats worse? having a good looking 20 year old as my teacher...ahahhaa dw he annoys me so its not like that its worse in the sense that the girls that sit behind me drool over him hahaha :P
gnite x
haha im charmed
btw thanks tanjin i see that you've found my thread which was entirely possible thanks to you :) i keep laughing when i see that stewie griffin joke hehehee
God bless...x
Can you please help me ? I was just wondering, do you think I've made the right choice on choosing music 1, general maths, advanced english, biology, ancient history and french continuers to get a UAI of 85+???