Recent content by Elo89

  1. E

    Is this a nice thing to do or just werid?

    That is the sweetest thing i've ever heard. She's lucky to know someone like u :)
  2. E

    Are you guys finding Eng Ext Fun??? share your thoughts

    Extension english...... We did retreat from the global, man is that a sucky topic. Really dont know why i picked but too late now. I guess most of the time its not so bad, although we do a lot of discussion that isn't related to english anyway, lol.:)
  3. E

    hot, passionate f*** with your teacher

    Watever, unless tony is a shape shifter.... sure watever you say.
  4. E

    hot, passionate f*** with your teacher

    wake up to yourself
  5. E

    hot, passionate f*** with your teacher

    Yea that works. while she's in class she managed to tell me to say that telepathically and paid me as well. sure thing
  6. E

    hot, passionate f*** with your teacher

    Unlike you most likely, Casey has a bf so she has no need to pursue teachers and anyway all our male teachers are married and above 30 unless you recommend sleeping with female teachers which wouldnt surprise me if you haven't already tried that.
  7. E

    hot, passionate f*** with your teacher

    Casey is so not a slut :burn: . Least she doesnt go sleeping round with teachers. She has standards
  8. E

    Trials over - Keeping up with the study?

    Yea its ok if you're pretty good at the subject like me with english but if it aint you're strong point like me n business stuies, then you need a lot more than one nights worth of study. But yea i guess it depends on the person.
  9. E

    Omg I Finnaly Did It!!!

    I'm so proud of you bud :) I was planning to move out next year but garuanteed i still wont have my p's or a car. But im still positive about it. lol. I'm gona come crash at your house sometime in the future lol
  10. E

    Trials over - Keeping up with the study?

    Hmm, study...Yes i did some of the week of the trials so lots of cramming. I do not recommend that. But i did have my reaons for last minute study but for the real thing i plan to do heaps if i can motivate myself enough lol:)
  11. E


    Woot woot. I love that show. My fave is so Sam/Jared padelecki. I used to be a big fan of Dean/Jensen ackles, but hey, times change i think sam is way better :rofl:
  12. E

    What was the last CD you bought?

    It was ages ago but Fallout Boy, affinity on high. lol
  13. E

    creepy teachers!

    OMG casey... i remember that cos i was there. I would so be careful around him. Dont let your guard down.teehee
  14. E

    new band everyone should check out

    Sounds kool. If they've toured with the strokes i know one of my friends would love to hear them cos they're totally obsessed with the storkes. LOL:rofl: I will have to look into this Rooney