building policy for 15 would have been brilliant - that's what i prepared for, in fact. hatshepsut built at seventeen individual sites from avaris to cummeh; the three main ones were deir el-bahri, karnak and speos artemidos, all of which can be spoken about at length; she used her buildings as...
i also talked about how, exactly, the dispossession has affected them. high unemployment, infant fatalities and crime rates, low literacy and life expectancy.
coming from the class point of view - which is what i was arguing - it's like cutting out two thirds of the female society in sparta if you don't bother to mention that they even existed. even just a throwaway 'yep, there were perioikoi and helot women too, and they did... i dunno, stuff' would...
role and status of women in spartan society
not spartan women. see the difference?
did i say 2008?
i'm not. spartiate women did no household tasks (ie cleaning, cooking, sewing) like other greek women - instead delegating that to perioikoi women - and helot women worked the fields with...
1. What is a totem in Aboriginal spirituality?
a. A symbol of unity among all Aboriginal people.
b. A burning stick that is carried between Aboriginal camps.
c. A wooden pipe used to create musical sounds at ceremonies.
d. A fish, plant or animal that represents a spirit ancestor in a region.
every time the markers have asked about spartan women, in the notes for the exam they've specifically said you couldn't get full marks unless you talked about women from all the classes. my teacher does hsc marking for sparta and that's one of the guidelines they always get.
kinship, though, refers to the "complex system of obligation between members of a tribe" or something like that.
[/LIST]this means they're taught about the group. like about its laws.
still supporting (a) here.
4. What is the main purpose of initiation for young Aboriginal people?
(A) To ensure continuation of the law
(B) To celebrate kinship relationships
(C) To train the leaders of the Land Rights Movement
(D) To enable them to resist the effects of dispossession
my school doesn't let us leave early, which, i have to say, is a relief. it's something to do with affecting the other students if you leave before they do - they'll be too focused on worrying if you've gone good or bad compared to them to do the proper work, or something something something...