Recent content by eveajac

  1. E

    Ext 2 English

    THANKS spin spin!!! That is exactly what i wanted to say. It's the easy way out for anyone who didn't get the marks they thought they deserved to blame it on someone this case the supposedly "biased markers" pffft.
  2. E

    what is everyone planning to do next year...include your uai as well

    UAI 98.4 I am also going on a GAP year to England next year, but my first preference for the year after (i will defer) is Arts/Law at Macquarie University
  3. E

    GAP year

    hey i am doing GAP!!! I'm leaving on the 1st of january to go to the Royal Masonic School for Girls, in Rickmansworth, Hertfordshire (just outside london). I'm really excited!!!
  4. E

    2003 UAIs

    I'm really sorry kob32221... what subjects do you do? What course were you hoping for?
  5. E

    2003 UAIs

  6. E

    2003 UAIs

    i'm sorry to be brash..... but braindrainedAsh can you please SHUT UP!!! personally i think that 96-something or whatever you got is fantastic and it's particularly rude and insensitive to be blubbling about this great mark in front of others who are ecstatic with UAI's much, much lower than...
  7. E

    2003 UAIs

    i got 98.40... very happy!
  8. E

    Ext 2 English

    braindrainedash 43 is really not bad at all! nothing really wrong with that! i know though that it is really discouraging when what you hopedfor is a long way from what you get. The problem is that in 4unit english the marking can be so subjective that its hard to predict at all - that's what i...
  9. E

    Ext 2 English

    hey braindrained ash i don't understand...what do your marks have to do with the girl that got 49?
  10. E

    Anyone thinking of a remark?

    When do you know the results of the re-mark?
  11. E

    Ext 2 English

    I got HSC mark 48/50
  12. E

    So who is an allrounder?

    ie 10 units or more in band 6/E4? I AM!!!!! yay! it's more than i could ever have hoped for!
  13. E

    All rounders list

    by the way...when are the all-rounders etc and HSC results published in the papers?
  14. E


    I agree...Philip Pullman's 'His Dark Materials' trilogy was awesome, even though i'm not usually an avid reader of fantasy.
  15. E

    Survivor : Pearl Islands

    i am SOOO parents forgot to tape Mutiny last night while i was working!!!!!! can someone PLEASE, PLEASE recap me on last nite's episode before tonight? btw.... GO SANDRA!!!!!