Honestly it could be the way you're studying. I would study for hours and still fail so i would "study" longer, but it was how long i was studying for. It was the way I was studying.
Here's a good article about what I mean, like being super productive. Working with breaks like that...
Don't get me wrong, tutors are great. But I think most times it's just were to lazy to put our effort into learning. Most times it comes down to way were trying to learn or study. I just thought I post a good resource here that shows different study techniques, instead of forking out cash for a...
I am currently doing a gap year. The first bit of I was traveling around and now I am an Au Pair in Australia. Being an Au pair is nice, you get good place to live in with a comfortable lifestyle and a bit of extra cash, but you restricted to staying in one place. If you're looking to get out...