Recent content by FebruaryAir

  1. FebruaryAir

    Share your 2010 ATAR here

    Hoooly shit, people get way too heckers about their ATARs. Pages 9 & 10 were just RAGERAGERAGE. You guys on page 9 and 10 need to calm the farm. It's like ATARs turn people into massive pricks. I'm kind-of ashamed now to be in the same ATAR league as you pompous 90+ kids.
  2. FebruaryAir

    2010 HSC dates?

    So I've been told that Chem is on 3/11, my friends have Physics on 4/11 ... would ^ be implying that Bio is on 5/11??? (Can you tell I'm one of those people who can't find their SC for their Student ID? :P )
  3. FebruaryAir

    Studying for Maths

    Is it possible to get past paper books? Like, a textbook, but full of past papers?
  4. FebruaryAir

    Gossip Girl

    I LOVE Gossip Girl! It's the perfect distraction from study! Blair is my favourite, Nate is the sex, Dan is in my blackbook, Jenny makes me jealous, Serena is a little annoying and Chuck is... Chuck Bass. It's similar to The OC, but I don't think anything could live up to The OC! It pretty...
  5. FebruaryAir

    Would you give up social-networking just so you could improve your HSC results?

    I plan on doing that! Or like, limiting it to weekends only.
  6. FebruaryAir

    Dermatology course [advice?]

    So, what's the difference between Medical Science and the actual Medicine course? I thought they were pretty much the same thing... It says on the University of Sydney site, "The BMedSc is an obvious choice for students wishing to undertake the University of Sydney Graduate Medical and...
  7. FebruaryAir

    Dermatology course [advice?]

    I'm interested in pursuing a medical science degree after high school, and wish to specialise in dermatology. At the moment, I do biology and chemistry, but I hate chemistry and am pretty much failing it. Does anyone know whether I would still be able to do dermatology if I ...