Recent content by Fighting4LastPl

  1. Fighting4LastPl

    can i get band 6 for standard english?

    The biggest pain is regretting the fact that you didn't try. How many times have you been upset when you aimed for 90 but got 87 or so? The answer for most people would be that they were in fact happy with the result.
  2. Fighting4LastPl

    can i get band 6 for standard english?

    Don't listen to them, I was rank 5 in my school and I got band 6 for standard. Just keep trying, you never know.
  3. Fighting4LastPl

    suggest some shit for me to do at uni

    Don't be negative. Try your hardest no matter what or you'll regret it when you end up with only a few points lower than what you would have needed and then say to yourself "dam if only I continued trying."
  4. Fighting4LastPl

    No pecs no sechs

    it's all about the swagger
  5. Fighting4LastPl

    What's uni like??

    Many people disagree with me but I think uni is similar to high school if you exclude the explicit details such as attending class for the subject once or twice a week as opposed to everyday. In the end, there will still be the good old studying for assessments, exams and completing assignments.
  6. Fighting4LastPl

    Which Uni Is Best for accounting?

    this and also bachelor of acct at uts
  7. Fighting4LastPl


    I reward myself before I study, then take breaks based on finishing tasks and finally I reward myself when I'm finished for the day.
  8. Fighting4LastPl

    Studying on Skype

    that's a very interesting and good idea but whether it's pragmatic or not, i guess u'll have to find out for urself
  9. Fighting4LastPl

    How's everyone's motivation?

    mine averaged at 6-7 when i did it
  10. Fighting4LastPl

    how to take your mind off exams?

    chuck a throw
  11. Fighting4LastPl

    CADETSHIPS 2012 Discussion Thread

    If you have decided on a career in accounting already, then apply for the cadetships at the big 4 firms. This will eliminate the time lag between graduation and a full time job but more importantly, the experience u get would be invaluable.
  12. Fighting4LastPl

    is there more hot korean chicks at Usyd or UNSW.

    hey guys if u wanna pick up chicks at uni, do this!
  13. Fighting4LastPl

    Which is the best uni for business/commerce/economics?

    Re: is commerce better at Usyd or UNSW ??? plz end this once and for all.... Go to both unis on open day/uni preference day, get all confused cause you'll realise they are both the same. And then the decision whether to put one a higher preference over the other depends on how well they market...
  14. Fighting4LastPl

    ATAR 95 = how many students did I beat?

    lol then i would probably would have been ranked like in the 4k range
  15. Fighting4LastPl

    How Can I Improve My Spelling??????

    Do what I did and still do, which mostly improves your vocabulary but it can improve spelling as well. Every time you see a word that you don't understand or hear it and aren't sure of the spelling; look it up in the dictionary. Sometimes it takes you looking up the same word twice for it to...