Recent content by freddy_r

  1. F

    mechatronics engineering USYD anyone?!

    yeah serious :) i'll see you there i guess! yeah adv maths, i thought i'd try it out, and hopefully some of my friends from B Science (Adv) will also be in the same lectures.
  2. F

    mechatronics engineering USYD anyone?!

    i am doing mechatronic combined with science with physics as my major i'm doing advanced maths and advanced phys first year
  3. F

    How much sleep did you get?

    haha i'm lucky i did maths in yr 11 last year (2u) and i got like 30 seconds sleep at around 6am but i still got 96 this year i was perpared if you really can't get to sleep i suggest you have a bat
  4. F

    Question about Section 3 (Prepared *Kinda* essay)

    hey beaky. send me one of those essays i don't know what to say about my place i'm on icq