Recent content by frenchyfantome

  1. F

    General Thoughts: English Paper 1 (AOS)

    omg what happens if u use TWO related texts instead of the specified ONE in section III? someone pleaseeeeeeeeeee tell me what happens? mark deductions?
  2. F

    What's Modern History Like?

    Re: What's Yr 12 Modern like? hehe i personally found the WW1 core topic a thousand times easier than the national studies >.<
  3. F

    A girls guide to chaso monologue

    do you live in or near sydney? If so i'd try Kinokuniya, it is the most amazing bookshop, its near the Queen Victoria Building.
  4. F

    Similarities between Oedipus and Death of a Salesman

    Im doing this topic as well. Challenging aye? I haven't actually started the work on death of a salesmen yet, starting that this week, so my knowledge on that isnt too good. Basically the point of the work we are doing is to assess how the political, social, and cultural aspects of both the...