Recent content by furryfish

  1. furryfish

    CSSA results

    yeah we got 16 peeps (out of about 50?) over 90, pretty simple test.
  2. furryfish

    who's skiing this winter?

    ok... who's skiiing this winter? what do u reckon the snow will be like? can't be bothered reading all the graphs and stuff on and your hsc? wat do u think?
  3. furryfish

    School / Subject

    4 maths, 2 adv english, physics, economics!! boo yah 10 units :D
  4. furryfish

    debt and equity investment

    can somebody clarify this for me:- what is debt investment and what is equity investment? and in terms of the balance of payments, how is our financial account always a surplus in regards to debt and equity investment? from what the teacher rambles on about, i gather that we borrow money...
  5. furryfish

    blank dvd quality

    okiez thanx, the other threads seem to suggest the opposite way round though... slightly confused :S
  6. furryfish

    blank dvd quality

    ahh thinking of getting a dvd burner, but need to know other things as well. there are two different dvd types, DVD-R and DVD+R. which one is better and why? and which one is better out of DVD-RW and DVD+RW? thanx ;)
  7. furryfish

    inverse trig function?

    i was just wondering, is there a 3unit way of solving this integration sign [(4-x^2)^1/2] dx hope u understand that... newayz, we havent done integration in 4u yet, so was wondering if there was any other way to solve this using 3u methods. thanx :D
  8. furryfish

    Playing the piano

    its good for relieving tension.. no matter what music u play. :)
  9. furryfish

    induction question and parametrics

    n^ 3 +(n +1)^3 +(n +2)^3 is divisible by 9 for n =1, 2, 3 Assuming true for n=k, ie k^3 + (k+1)^3+(k+2)^3 = 9m, for some integer m Prove true for n=k+1 ie (k+1)^3 + (k+2)^3+(k+3)^3 is divisible by 9. (k+1)^3 + (k+2)^3+(k+3)^3 = 9m - k^3 + (k+3)^3...
  10. furryfish

    girls doing ext 2?

    lol ours isnt much better either... there are about 3 caucasians in a class of about 25 :eek:
  11. furryfish

    lear productions

    wats the best lear production to see on video/dvd? heard that olivier and miller are good... :) need to analyse them for school assessment, then write about the director's view and what sorta message theyre trying to get across
  12. furryfish

    The Official Australian Open Thread!

    oh yeah... another hewitt comeback.. over nalbandian... 6-3 6-2 1-6 3-6 10-8... dodgiest line calls though... they should all be sacked :D
  13. furryfish

    poll: wat skl?

    lmao sorry not all of us speak perfect english on the net... guess u havent mastered in the msn arena yet have ya.. and just for record, i goto a selective skl ;)
  14. furryfish

    piano music

    hehe been tehre done that.. theyre a bit boring and annoying though..
  15. furryfish

    Transferring schools

    if uve got any substantial awards. eg maths comp and school awards, theyll help u quite a bit. and its not guaranteed that you'll do better, it just gives you more incentive to work due to more competition