Recent content by Geoff Leonard

  1. Geoff Leonard

    What is so good about being a virgin?

    virgins are like blank sheets of paper that i desire to spill my ink all over
  2. Geoff Leonard

    Are girly males really "in"?

    no, generally it's the other way around.
  3. Geoff Leonard

    What is so good about being a virgin?

    I can let you experience the good and the bad all at once. first the fear. then the pain. then the pleasure. then the silence.
  4. Geoff Leonard

    Are girly males really "in"?

    you have no idea what you're admitting to here, do you? youtube me and then come back.
  5. Geoff Leonard

    Are girly males really "in"?

    you necrophilliac bastard. PS. you don't pay rapists.
  6. Geoff Leonard

    Are girly males really "in"?

    obviously this *bj* cuntstain, has only ever been with 2 bit transvestite hookers at the cross.
  7. Geoff Leonard

    this forum is cursed

    to bad cunts im still here.
  8. Geoff Leonard

    Where is everyone going for schoolies?

    toolies at the gold coast, fuck yeah!
  9. Geoff Leonard

    Anyone think they fucked their HSC already?

    hey guess what mad idea just in. lets sex.
  10. Geoff Leonard

    Love problem.... :(

    rape, if you get it right you can express your feelings without her knowing who you are.
  11. Geoff Leonard

    Help! Trying to find someone!

    don't worry bro i can completely relate to what you did. sometimes people just need that little helping hand/sharpened knife in order to get them to awaken to their/your sexual desires.
  12. Geoff Leonard

    Paper 1 gave me a paper-cut today.

    its to tie your booklets together
  13. Geoff Leonard

    UAI's, is anyones bellow 90?

    Actuall aim= 80.00