In my first year at ANU they said that UAI is not a good predictor of success at uni, hence, they have lower UAIs than other universities because they believe in giving students with UAIs <90 a chance (the UAI cut off at other unis is around 95). Surprisingly, this is true. Many of the people...
No, you don't have to be catholic or religious at all to go to ACU. No one will ask you (lecturers, admissions, etc). I was really afraid of this when I started there a few years ago. I thought they might get out the new testament and start preaching or something! But once I got there and met...
Not everyone who goes into teaching because the UAI cutoff is so low. A friend of mine got a UAI of 99+ and went into teaching...
I think they lower the UAIs so much because no one wants to be a teacher and they are in such dire need of new teachers...
I just finished up at ACU -- not in...