Recent content by Giulian

  1. G

    weed makes you smarter

    why the fusk are you still talking about this shit you low human beings if you do drugs your fucked............ end of story
  2. G

    weed makes you smarter

    zombie omi jay i heard through the grape vine you perfom sexual favours on flying goats.. whats up with that? stfu you posing maggot your just a peasant who has no idea what hes talking about.. your future involves man hores and the taliban.. eat shit and die you low cunt:dog:
  3. G

    weed makes you smarter

    yeah hombrae though id have to agree what the waste of sperm just said meths preety rad :music:
  4. G

    weed makes you smarter

    fuck you all you stupid aussie bogans you have no idea what your talking about weeds bad your all peasants :dog: