Recent content by glowstick

  1. G

    All nighter on BoS on dec16th

    I offended a minoritory group of which a number of use this site. obviously they hated the idea of it. i apologised and now im cool with them. But back to the point, stop stirrin people up and be nice, or preferably go troll elsewhere
  2. G

    get off my profile troll

    get off my profile troll
  3. G

    All nighter on BoS on dec16th

    Well i have a reason for being red, and you dont need to know about that. At least i'm not trolling and being a c*&% for no reason like you
  4. G

    What bos said about the sor 2009 hsc exam

    How do those pricks at BOS work out that 14000 people liked it, when there is only that many candidates sitting the exam. Seems the enjoy making shit up at the moment...........
  5. G

    Questions for religion & peace

    yeh but thats the problem - the board knows what we are expecting and will probably do something completley different - pain in the arse to study for - so much else to remember
  6. G

    What does feminism mean to you?

    Feminism = the reason for high male unemployment, dirty houses, dirty clothes etc. = BAD idea
  7. G

    has this site been slow lately?

    Hey, Sorry the site has been slow, just been hacking into the mainframe. Apologise for any inconvenience and the system should be restored to full speed sometime in the near future. Thankyou for your cooperation
  8. G

    Is there still hope for me?

    Doubt if you will, your life is over
  9. G

    downloading Urgent Help !!!

    perhaps you should not post in hsc forum again little boy
  10. G

    i am realy slow in exams any tips

    ecstacy - makes everything go faster
  11. G

    Future Plans: What ATAR/course/job are you aiming for?

    Re: What are your marks and UAI aim? Nice I like it! Nearly as much as your mum did last night :lol:
  12. G


    sleeping is not part of the syllabus