Re: Lost - Discuss Future Episodes Here!
i'm interested in (mainly 1 and 4)
1) the numbers (although I heard they arent gonna be addressed, which is kinda gay)
2) Bernard and Rose...where the heck are they?
3) The lists that Ben had (on behalf of the others). Is there gonna be any light shed on...
you do know that Serena has her own fashion brand...
Now i am a straight 19 year old male, whose fashion style consists of 3/4 length shorts and a football jersey (madrid, arsenal or Central Coast Mariners usually)- but I have to really question her 'style' of fashion- but hey she is making...
doesnt really matter tbh- its a screwed (ie. flawed) sex ed system anyway
society sucks and theres no going back...tbh I wouldnt even bother trying to manage it in through sex ed!
and i reckon I got most of my 'knowledge' of the tv through shows such as 2 and a half men etc.
good post
but Katie Tully is right, Williams sisters are worth heaps (i dont know why)- but still i dont think their potential is as good as Sharapova etc.
Good point on the brand equity...its shut everyone up- i remember this debate went on for a couple of years.
Just what gets me is the...
so what you want to compare nurses to doctors?
You can only compare like to like!
The most important thing in conducting studies is to removes as many variables as possible. Unfortunately in society it is impossible to only have one variable (ie. sex)- as some variables cant be discriminated...
Ok I agree that it is fitness related
whilst I have said I would love to see Women play 5 sets- thats to show them the difference :P
Realistically their level of performance would not be able to be maintained for 5 sets...thats the logistics behind it- which is fair enough
Your second...
i might have to check out these studies
I would have thought the logical thing to do would be to compare men and women in the same line of work...hence both are applicable to bonuses + commissions!
Your point about children etc. is valid, it would obviously hinder a women's career...not...
I suppose to know for sure you would have to look into it quite a bit...something I'm too lazy to do :P
Oh and as a young person (now 2nd year uni), its harder to find a part time crappy job than a female...I whinge a bit but I know that it will eventually balance out (at the very least)...
i am a very strong anti-equal pay in tennis
but you actually have made some good points there!
however (no proof)- I do believe more people watch Mens...
Perhaps I am wrong...
Also- i think even beofre equal pay in grand slams- 'star' female players eg. the sharapova's, kournakova, maybe...
women definately deserve equal pay for equal jobs!
I have no problem with it
...kind of suggests the hypocrisy of Western civilisation- equality, yea sure :P
On a side note. I am opposed to equal pay for Grand Slam Tennis.
Not the same job...males spend a lot more time on the...