Look im just gonna spend the rest of my gap year working then apply again for psychology as the math prerequisite is gone and tbh I just dont think I thought ab uni hard enough when I graduated last year.
Well, I'm still doing my research but to get into honours is the only way to get into a master's of psych -> leading to becoming a registered psychologist. I'll just give it a go, if I don't maintain a 75 WAM I'm pretty sure I can do a master's of teaching (counseling).
And for that degree combo, I got into it and I just wanna use it to transfer into psych, unless you think I should just stay on this gap year and start uni february next year in the psych degree.
I am not looking to be the richest woman on earth, just wanna live a comfortable life; I wanna start a family one day. Going to uni will be a fun experience too, I know we're in a recession right now, and I'm not sure what the economic landscape will look like in the next ten years but to just...
Says who? If you get your masters you become a registered psychologist. I’d personally like to work as a school psychologist then maybe think about working in a clinic. School psychologists are in very high demand, I wanted to become a teacher at first but saw that school counsellors get payed...
So I'm commencing my studies at USYD in July in the course Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Advanced Studies (languages), but in reality, what I really REALLY wanna do is a Bachelor of Psychology to become a school counselor/clinical psych. So I had a chat on the phone with the school and...