Recent content by GracieBelle

  1. G


    I had to design an outfit for a Sims character and send it into Dolly magazine. I sent in like 7 entires and the stylist told me that the beauty editor had them all up on her wall so I was pretty stoked! But I'm pretty sure I haven't won because they are yet to call me...and they said that the...
  2. G


    Did u go to the Sydney or Melbourne campus? I was in a competition with 4 other finalists and the whitehouse illustration course was the prize but I don't think I won since everyone else was from Sydney and they were reluctant to pay for my flight to Sydney... I'm applying to go to the Melbourne...
  3. G

    Hamlet - MAD?

    I think he starts off acting mad and then it kind of catches on....cause he kills Polonius without even checking to see if it's Claudius first. And then he sees the ghost of King Hamlet when Gertrude doesn't. Sounds pretty insane to me.
  4. G

    constipation during exams

    lol, sound advice.
  5. G

    What underwear will you be wearing to the HSC Exams

    I'll be wearing comfy undies that don't cause wedgies and discomfort. Cos there's nothing worse than a wedgie that you have to pick out in a room full of silent people.
  6. G

    Breakfast before exams

    I know this feeling too well! It sounds bland (but that's why I choose it) but eat a slice of bread and some water or juice. I find that any flavour will just trigger my nausea but you could always add some jam to that bread.
  7. G

    Peter Skrzynecki

    bored of sc, I think I love u!!
  8. G

    Blade Runner - Deckard

    If he wasn't a replicant, wtf is with the unicorn dream/origami? I interpretted that as an implanted memory so, therefore, consider Deckard a replicant... and that Gaff knows because he leaves the origami unicorn for Deckard to find... But that's just my opinion :)