plasma physics
can someone tell me plasma confused.plasma has two types high temperature plasma and low temperature plasma...low temperature plasma is further divided into two:thermal and non-thermal...
can someone tell me plasma confused.plasma has two types high temperature plasma and low temperature plasma...low temperature plasma is further divided into two:thermal and non-thermal it true?
if it is then what is the difference between high temperature plasma and... studing a topic concerning the growth of anodic porous aluminium oxide on aluminium surface by process called electrolysis.during this im confused about galvanostatic and potentiostatic electrolysis. plz help me in understanding the concept behind galvanostatic reigm. ???
i have a question concerning BLOCH OSCILLTION.i studied that in the extended zone scheme, the energy of an electron with k=pi/d is same as with k=3 pi/d. i cant understand this because by dispersion relation as wave vector increases ,energy also increases(in extended zone scheme too)plz help me
hi im student of graduate and want to clear the picture of MAGNETIC MOMENT of electron in my mind.can someone tell me that if an electron is moving in its orbit constituting its intrinsic spin(1/2) ho can it forms dipole moment(to poles) when place in magnetic field?and what is the difference...
hi im student of graduate and want to clear the picture of MAGNETIC MOMENT of electron in my mind.can someone tell me that if an electron is moving in its orbit constituting its intrinsic spin(1/2) ho can it forms dipole moment(to poles) when place in magnetic field?and what is the difference...
im studing MRI(magnetic resonance imaging) technique.ican someone plz tell me that hw the MRI scanner does work?voxel?and why we use tetra methyle as standard in MRI?
ok,me sending graph and table of sample.the values of absorbance and their corresponding values of concentration are given.then hw can i use the standard calibration method?
i m studing AAS(atomic absorption specvtroscopy) technique.using beer"s law i plot a graph bw absorbance and concentration.then how can i make the quantitative analysis of my sample?