Recent content by harshsyd

  1. H


    Hey guys! I recently got my ATAR and I was looking to apply to UNSW B Computer Science/B Science. It has GE of 93. I after adding all my bonus points from subjects & atar have output ATAR of 92.80. Now question is, will I be able to make in into this degree with 0.2 short? What are your...
  2. H

    Complex Numbers!

  3. H

    Complex Numbers!

    Thank you buddy, that was very nicely explained! Except, how was the second last line derived? I understood up till 1+cosO+isinO/1-cosO-isinO...the half angles one, I am slightly lost
  4. H

    Complex Numbers!

    Hey, I got two questions; I'll attach the images as I cannot use LaTeX for some reason. 1. (I tried expanding and simplifying using bionomial, I do get correct answers but of course they are not in the forms of cot and so on, I get straight square roots, expected)...