Recent content by hello:)

  1. H

    griffith interview

    yeah i heard about that situation that were given befre hand. im a bit worried about it though... do we have to summarise the info and retell it to them and make hypeothesis' aboput the info? do u know what kind of info we're given and how long it is?? yeah i hope its a stock standard...
  2. H

    griffith interview

    yeah congratulations too! I guess the 1st of dec must sound close compared to yours, good luck! the talking to all sorts of people sounds like a good idea to boost communication skills. I'm not sure how this interview will be run in comparison to others...i just hope their technique will be...
  3. H

    griffith interview

    mines on the 1st dec on friday. the day after my formal!!!..perfect timing *shakes head* whens yours? yeah that site helped..thanks
  4. H

    griffith interview

    Hi, I have just recieved an interview offer for dent at griffith and im SO worried because its in 3 weeks, one week after school/exams finish!! would anyone who goes to griffith, does dent or knows about interviews let me know the general tricks used, questions etc... any advice would be...
  5. H

    how hard is to get a 70 average in a sci degree?

    thanks kcchippy, that seems fair enough, i guess i'll have to put my head to it and see how i go. The only prob is that i stupidly didn't do chem...and pretty much all sci degrees have a component of that, esp 1st yr heath sci which I am considering; would you recomend a chem bridging course...
  6. H

    how hard is to get a 70 average in a sci degree?

    hi, i am considering getting into med/dent via grad entry, or transfering in either a sci degree in Aust or doing 1st year health sci in NZ. in order to get into 2nd year med/dent, you need an average of 70%, how hard is this?? for instance if im getting a 90+ uai, what do u think someone...
  7. H

    dent adeliade

    hey does anyone know what the UMAT cutoff for an interview for dent at adel is? has anyone recieved an interview offer yet? do u know if the facuilty invites people for interviews if they are only like 2 or 3 points below the cutoff??
  8. H

    dent at griffith

    im putting UQ first because its seen as a more prestigous uni once you graduate (shallow i know) plus the degree name is dental surgury, not BOH in dent sci, (again shallow). also i think the campus at griffith is pretty ugly compared to UQ. howd u go on umat?
  9. H

    2006 UMAT results???

    omg i think i went did shit, i got 158 raw, and 203 percentage. do u think that will get me an interview at adelaide??? whats the min umat score for med and dent there???
  10. H

    anyone got rejected/accepted for med science??

    since when did you have to put an "application for interview" at griffith?? is that a seperate application from the standard QTAC one? also, do all other corses at griffith with an interview and umat requirement let ppl know now too. coz i havent recieved anything! by the way dont feel too...
  11. H

    dent at griffith in Uni of NSW or USYD? those 2 courses dont allow u to become a dentist though..just a hygineist. thats why the cutoff's low
  12. H

    dent adeliade

    yep i will apply at otago too..but that is the very last option because once ur in health sci, youve gotta do a whole year of it before even getting into the course u want to, which isnt even certain! seeing as you'll now have a minor in chem, will you still beable to get into WA, and QLD? i...
  13. H

    dent adeliade

    yeah im applying to adeliade as well as pretty much everywhere else! where have u applied, besides adel and griffith? just as i was expecting..heaps of competition, but i was hoping it would be less compeditive then med, but obviously not, especially seeing as a lot of med rejects apply for...
  14. H

    dent adeliade

    hey, 1) does anyone know how many people apply for BDS at adel and how many places their are, ie whats the chance of getting in? 2) despite the 90 cutoff, what is the mean UAI, and is a person who gets 99 prefered over a UAI of 90, or once the cutoff is met anything will do? 3) what kind...
  15. H

    dent at griffith

    hi, does anyone know the UAI cutoff for B of Oral Health in Dental science? all it says on website in reference to the UAI is "academic achievement". also, does anyone know the amount of competition to get into this course and what they ask at the interview? thanks