You do not strictly have to attend the PASS group you are registered for.
It does not one you enrol in, they are all very similar and are run by 2nd, 3rd or honours biomed students, with the exception of one tutor who is a nutriton and dietetics student.
i thought that too.
but the lab times and the safety lecture times dont really line up.
and a girl i went to school with reckons she registered for hers.
i was like...."oh..."
ok, my dilemma.
the compulsory safety lecture in week one - apparently you had to register for it, when you registered for your lab? according to my friend who is also doing this course.
when i registered for my lab (as soon as registrations were open) , i didnt notice any part where you also...
yeah, i think she's fairly amazing.
my sisters keeper was the first one i read - its the twist at the end that really gets you, i sobbed so hard.
the pact got to me, after i read it i would find myself thinking about it all the time.
i have an offtopic question.
i've enrolled in my classes, and i'm looking at the timetables for one of my courses, and it says like
Lecture : Monday 1400 - 1500
OR Tuesday 1500 - 1600
OR Tuesday 1600 - 1700
AND Lecture : Monday 1700 - 1800
AND Lecture ...
i am also extremely confused - can you explain it to me in simple sentences?
i also was given a number and password when i accepted? and it said it'd take two working days to activate or something?
and now i got my offer in the mail and theres a booklet which says in it something about under...