eng ext is a lot of writing and reading :cry: obviously lol but if you dont enjoy a lot of it, you might start hating it quick. i think ext was pretty boring for me at the start but i also generally like reading/writing so i enjoy it a lot now !! but if you're not super passionate about it or...
i do 4u eng i feel u :cry: i think chatgpt analysis is defo not good to be reliant on, especially when u need to be able to annotate, analyse and derive concepts quick for adv comp and ext1, but honestly idrk how to get better at that, back when i was studying for my adv prelim i just did a...
take this w a grain of salt, im ignoring my eng homework as we speak lmaoo
for me, and i think a lot of other people, i just memorise my quotes and themes, and the general point i am making about them. as long as your themes arent like suuuper specific and only good for one interpretation you...
i dont have an exam block this term, they're all just scattered around thankfully. got no hand ins though but i think ive got my viva voce for eng ext 2 ?
deimos sanford orbiting serves as symbolism for their everlasting camaraderie, emphasising the human experience of forming meaningful...
omg their art is so gorgeous wtf?? im not too sure if its from NSO (although i havent been keeping up w the game or anything around it recently) but thank u anyway :DD
and i dont even know how i forgot hank lost his jaw at one point im FAKE. i remember deimos reviving him tho but at the time i didnt actually know it turned him into a mag lol, i just rolled w it when he randomly grew in size and formed an arm
i love dedmooososs !!!! also same, i cna feel the exam stress coming back again lols
and i love tricky, ofc, i had unknowingly seen him while looking at fnf stuff and i was so lost why he felt so familiar while i was watching mc lol. hes reaalll!
good luck :cry: i did NOT cook
and i rlly cannot remember anything about how hank became how he is, everytime i watched a new ep of mc he would just have a new deformity lol 😭
school is not real so its ok!!! im writing an essay rn tho. 💔
also, fax!! icl my memory ab mc12 fails me and i cant remember where 2b went either lols
also ik.. a lot of comic dubs rarely credit the artist like :shoot: mf. lov u mag hank tho :]