oh DAMN bb24492!!! lol but my pile would have definitely been bigger but only coz each of my textbooks are about triple the size of each of yours. that's what happens when you do science and you have my maths teacher XDDDDD
i've returned all my textbooks and practice papers so its just...
oh DAMN bb24492!!! lol but my pile would have definitely been bigger but only coz each of my textbooks are about triple the size of each of yours. that's what happens when you do science and you have my maths teacher XDDDDD
i've returned all my textbooks and practice papers so its just my...
most likely a 10 when i first see it and probably for the rest of the day. then go down in the coming months as i learn to accept it, move on and make something of myself in the best way i can XD
i multiplied it by two as well since it said exactly half was lost to surroundings. don't remember what i got exactly though. something between 1 and 3 LOL my memory is like shit XD
i feel you people. i walked out of the exam feeling as though i just wasted a whole shitload of time studying for it. although the content was interesting. but still, there wasnt anything "indepth" to it.
i think the differentiating factor for this year's exam would probably be the multiple...
ur awesome XDDDD but i know how that feels. bio in year 11: bacteria are microscopic orgasms *headdesk* and what makes it even more *headdesk* worthy is the fact that this has been done sooooooooo many times that its been parodied on so many tv shows T_T
just chem. i'm pretty relaxed about it compared to the week i just had though. 2u maths on tuesday, 3u maths on wednesday, french AND bio on thursday. that was just screwed up.
anyway goodluck to everyone on the exams they have left! ^.^
my sentiments exactly XDDDD and the fact they quote "bam 100 UAI" just says everything. we have the ATAR for gods sake. stupidest shit EVER but at least it had me LOLing for a bit :rofl:
Re: Hsc 2009 bio exam
LOL that was the question everyone was complaining about after we left the exam hall XDDDDD there was massive flipping of textbooks after
oooooooooooh another procrastination thread i shall make my presence known in XD here are my blonde moments from my trials that i can remember:
Maths Ext 1: 5+6=1 *headdesk*
Biology: Most organisms can live in temperatures over 100 degrees C, except for bacteria, such as the ones found around...
was 10 before the exams started but is now lik 3-4 since it didnt live up to hype. its not easy but do-able. oh and the fact that i only have one exam left. but it'll prob go up to a 5 or 6, maybe a 7 right before the actual exam, since its an exam and the fact its chem and i suck at it XD