Recent content by indiansummer

  1. I

    Chances of second round offer for commerce

    The course is listed as having no vacancies after the main round, therefore the university will only give late round offers to fill the spots vacated by those who decline their offer from the main round. In 2008, the late round cut-off for B Commerce was 98.50. If you qualify for HSC Plus (not...
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    Mid Session Application with a GPA of 0

    not really scared of failing actually, just really dont like commerce.
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    Mid Session Application with a GPA of 0

    Josie, I wasn't having a go at B.IT, I was wondering how the poster even knew how a Commerce degree was like when they were doing something different altogether at another uni. anyway, thanks for the clarificaton.
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    Mid Session Application with a GPA of 0

    I'm looking at a few Journalism courses, but have yet to decide. Each to their own. Besides... B.Information Technology (eBusiness) - UOW, II? Back on topic, when I apply to UAC after dropping my degree, is there any special mention I have to make of previous study? And any course I apply...
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    Mid Session Application with a GPA of 0

    hey guys, didnt know which sub forum to put this in, so move if you feel necessary. for one reason or another (call it lack of motivation) i'll end the first semester of my first year of an undergrad commerce degree at unsw with a gpa of 0.. under the presumption i'll fail all 4 of my...
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    Commerce (Liberal Studies) quick questions

    hey just 2 subject related issues: 1. Can I do a double major in Commerce and then major in a course outside the faculty as well? 2. In the first semester which courses should make up the 24 units, aside from three of the compulsory subjects? thanks in advance.
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    Commerce (majoring in Marketing) questions

    So it would be best to go for a combined law degree at Macquarie than straight Commerce at UNSW or USyd? -also- How does a UTS Business degree stack up against other Sydney unis for commerce/business courses for Marketing/graduate employment? I've heard it's more practical in its approach to...
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    Commerce (majoring in Marketing) questions

    Hey guys, thanks for the input. Having researched a bit more into the majors available I can understand where you guys are coming from in regards to management/international business. Your points about accounting make a lot of sense, and I'm seriously considering that now, after reading further...
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    2008 NRL Premiership

    Let me prefigure this by saying I am in no way a Roosters supporter, I just don't think it's fair to jump to the conclusion that they are salary cap cheats after a few big signings. I'm guessing it took you 10 minutes or so to dig that up on a forum? Do you really think the NRL and the major...
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    2008 NRL Premiership

    The Roosters have lost a number of "high profile" players such as Finch and Wing in recent times and haven't really made many big purchases to compensate. Ashley Harisson was also traded to the Titans to facilitate Mason's signing, and Danny Williams will probably be released to the Bulldogs as...
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    Commerce (majoring in Marketing) questions

    So you're saying... Marketing/Management/International Business won't matter anyway long term? I'm not really as big a fan of the accounting/financial side of things, so I'm not going to do them just so I can do non-"wishy washy crap" majors, but if they help me find employment I guess I could...
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    Commerce (majoring in Marketing) questions

    Thanks for your quick reply. Law is an area of study which interests me, and one which I would not consider otherwise. The fact that it would be beneficial in the field of Marketing leads me to believe it would be useful to do a combined degree. Although I know in some instances it is not...
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    Commerce (majoring in Marketing) questions

    Hey everyone. I'm a long time browser, first time poster. I'm looking to do a Commerce or Business degree, majoring in Marketing, and just have a few questions. I've been looking around with the search tool on this site for quite some time to find some resolutions and avoid starting a new...