unrelated and absolutely out of nowhere (not rlly but if you're a certain friend of mine yk ofc) but i absolutely adore conlang. like yea make up an entire method of communication. for funsies. i am in awe. just. god,,,,,, languages my beloved <3
literally same,,,,, im basically just giving up on homework until after the exam block bc i cant deal w/ any of that until i dont feel like im gonna explode
same,,,,, i keep telling myself that im finally gonna start studying for english (which is gonna be the first exam in the block next monday, and i've planned my shit so that i study each subject at least a week before their respective exams) but im genuinely weighing the benefits of just...
i genuinely cannot fucking study for english,,,, every time i even so think as to try writing a practice piece & reflection for english my brain decides to become good at doing anything other than writing. istg im going to pick up eng ext2 just so that i can safely flunk eng adv bc i cant...
OH MY GOD yeah,,,,,, thank god our teacher only did that for like two periods bc it was dry as hell 😭 now we're just doing revisions of the rules & safety practices & general stuff for the assessment
YEA entertainment!!!! istg so much of what we're currently studying is just whs this whs that,,,,,,,,,,, but it WILL pay off,,,,,,,,,,,,,, once we get through this term we're going to start learning staging and i'll be free!!!!!!!!
nah its fine!! i understand most of my homework & how to do it, its just that i'll be pretty strapped for time w/ the way im gonna be studying so i probs wont be able to finish any homework :]