Hey im just wondering, since i have pretty ok rankings for everything besides physics, is it possible to actually get a higher score then someone ranked above you? Im not really sure how it works. Im 10/16 for physics, but thats mainly because of pracs which i suck at, so in the exam i expect...
Do meeeeee school 500+
Economics : 87% (4/27)
IPT : 88% (3/19)
Physics: 65% (10/16)
English Adv: 75% (4/19)
SOR 1: 83% (5/6 out of 55?) unsure of
Mathematics: 40% (15/18) failness.
Hey just wondering if someone could give me an estimate, ill put in my trial marks, roughly the same overall give or take 5 marks:
Physics: 65/100 (10/16)
IPT: 88/100 (3/19)
Economics: 85/100 (4/27)
English Advanced: 76/105 (4/18)
SOR 1: 42/50 (3/55)
Mathematics: 50/120 (13/18)
Im not a real smarty but anyway:
IPT - 84/100 (4/20)
Economics - 82/100 (3/27)
Physics - 65/100 (4/16)
SOR 1 - 42/50 (3/55)
English Advanced - 76/105 (4/18)
Mathematics (Bombshell) - 48/120 (13/18)
If my ranks are basically the same overall with pretty similar marks to that ^ would i be...