Recent content by James_

  1. J

    Japanese Beginer Kanji

    Hey all, I have recently had to stop Japanese for about 6months due to medical problems, and as I am starting it up again, I haven't been able to make sense of my Kanji notes, is there anything available where there are notes for the Kanji beginers are supposed to know?
  2. J


    I never wanted any sypmathy, I am sorry if it came across that way, I simply wanted to know what were my options. So sorry if I came across as a self-loathing loser. Its not so much that... Anyway, thanks for your help anyway. James
  3. J


    How is it an excuse? I am asking for help and all you can do is abuse me? Thanks alot man, means alot. It is because I want to commit sucide that I am not allowed out of my parents sight. Those were the doctors orders... I know I am not the only person to struggle, I never said I was, I realise...
  4. J


    Wish I could get a girl friend, but I have no luck in that department. I don't want to work because I don't know how I will act when treated like shit. Last time I yelled at my boss... I already do weights and excersise. I also don't get out much and I can't, I still have a bedtime and ATM...
  5. J


    Could you atleast give me a serrious suggestion? I mean I am asking for help... I need to get out of this slump but I don't know how.... @klaris Yes, and they haven't helped, made me feel crazy... But the diary thing I might try, thanks for the suggestion.
  6. J


    Hey there, I was told to repost in here. I am currently suffering from high levels of depression and I recently spent a night in a mental health institution. This depression is very debilitating and I haven't been able to concentrate on my studies at all... I have had several sucide attempts...
  7. J


    Hey thanks for the hint, I will do that then.
  8. J


    Hey there, Not sure if this is the correct forum but it was closest I could find. I am currently suffering from high levels of depression and I recently spent a night in a mental health institution. This depression is very debilitating and I haven't been able to concentrate on my studies at...
  9. J

    Half yearlies- Who else screwed up?

    Yeah like they said, don't worry bout it. I screwed up most if not all my exams, so eh...What can you do? You just gotta make sure that your good at the trials or then you should be panicing.
  10. J

    Having trouble understanding concepts

    Hey all, Can anyone give me advice on how to understand the concepts mathematics touches on? At the moment I need help understanding linear equations you know the stuff like: d = |ax1+by1+c| ________ sqrt((a)**2+(b)**2) I hope I am making sense... I mean I know how to use...