Recent content by james_vladmamir

  1. J

    Greetings and minimizing awkwardness

    With guys: handshake With girls: handshake What's wrong with shaking hands with a girl? I find it's at least better than a wave. Also, for the guys out there, do you find it a bit weird doing handshake with your best mates? Cos I handshake with randoms and people that i knew semi-well, but I...
  2. J

    The First Kiss

    I had mine yesterday. Lasted about 15 sec, a bit of teeth clashing, but I'm satisfied :D
  3. J

    Preparing for Uni Commerce

    I've always been one of those people who is VERY slow at learning. I've been struggling all through high school, so I think if I start my uni stuff early, it might be a little easier for me in university. My question is, is there anyway in which I can start my uni stuff early for commerce...
  4. J

    Grey's Anatomy

    The promos for the "Code Black" episode is so hyped up. It said that it was the episode that made Grey's Anatomy a "huge hit" in America. They convinently left out the fact that it was also the episode the screened STRAIGHT AFTER THE SUPERBOWL. Anyways, I've seen the episode, and it does live...
  5. J

    Grey's Anatomy vs House

    In one of those tabolid magazines, it said she eats 3000 calories a day but she has a really fast motabolism
  6. J

    Most Beautiful Women

    Ingrid Bergman! Grace Kelly!
  7. J

    workplace shenanigans

    Hipsta I think you're doing the wrong thing here... you're giving the guy hope when obviously you don't have any feeling for him at all. There's nothing worse than thinking you've got hope with a girl then finding out she's not interested. You should stop the flirting as soon as possible... the...
  8. J

    Valentines Day

    Valentines Day giving...?
  9. J

    Greatest Video Clips

    Great Video Clips