Hey, yes I am also doing the HSC this year. I've chosen my three texts, thanks for your help. Our set text was The Crucible by Arthur Miller and I used a Leuing Cartoon, a extract from the Girlfriend Magazine and the movie December Boys.
You can also try that movie or there is Edward...
if i were u, i would try and steer away from the chick flicks, its what we've been told. try something else, like :
Happy Feet
Good Will Hunting
My Big Fat Greek Wedding
Lost in Translation
Edward Scissorhands
Into the Wild
The Truman Show
The Castle
Rabbit-Proof Fence
hope that helps!
yes they are except im not allowed to do two of the same type of text, and the other text i need has to be published in the past 12 months.. so far i have chosen a film and a artwork, if nyway could suggest a text that is either a poem or song that came out in the last 12 months, ur help would...
i need three texts for my english assignment. One of them has to be from 2009.
i have so far chosen to do a leuing cartoon, and december boys or the terminal..
pls help!