dont forget the moderation of marks, im sure i got the same raw mark in hsc for 3U as i did in trials and thanks to moderation i got a heaps higher mark
Trials Hsc
3U Math- 54/90
4U Math- 40/84
Adv Eng- 68/74
Chem - 78/79
Physics - 80/81
The trial marks i have given are not percentages
Dont forget that the HSC marks are moderated
what is with all this 2 man shit
we beat man u without torres and gerrard played a very small role, beat chelsea without torres and are still level with chelsea even though torres has been out for about half the season
if ur gonna talk about liverpool beaing a 2 man team what about man u they...
dont feel empty but im so friggin bored
n/a work till sunday and couldnt go to beach with friends cause i had to go out and get stuff for my dad bday so the day went very slow
when i get my xbox bak though and am working regularly ill be fine