Recent content by jenniferproto

  1. J

    Is anyone else over the HSC?

    LOL... i Agree with every1!!!... Ive just started trials and im over it!!!... Im not stressing either!!! what for? ok they say it gets u places but its annoying... whats wrong with college or tafe? seriously!!! my bro done his HSC in the yr 2002 and he got into Uni and finishd last yr getting a...
  2. J

    Athenian Society, Social Structure and Political organisation

    heyy... does anybody have any information on the Social structure and Political Organisation of the Athenian Society in the time of Pericles? thankssss :D
  3. J

    Supplementary Texts - Physical

    AOS: Physical Journeys... also try Transamerica... good movie, can relate to Peter Skrzynecki's poem "Feliks Skrynecki".. also a good laugh!!