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For Business Studies, by essay I assume that you mean a business report with a stimulus? If so, then it could assess any aspects of the content that you have studied so far. The stimulus itself might incorporate certain concepts across more than one topic. This is accompanied by 2-3 questions...
Hey everyone! Hope you’re all doing well!
:bosman: After the wonderful 4th Edition which was won by Anaya R, I am excited to announce the 5th Edition of the Bored of Studies Chess Competition! :bosman:
Rise to the challenge and climb your way to the very top! Who will emerge as the next BoS...
Soon Venti!
Was supposed to organise it around January, but didn't get a chance. I'll organise the next one in the next few days and I'll definitely consider your suggestion! :D
Comebacks are possible and many past students were able to make a comeback from an unfavourable position and eventually achieve their ATAR goal. You simply need to do your best to improve your performance in your remaining school-based assessment tasks and exams, and do so by identifying areas...
NESA has changed the way it displays syllabuses. This applies to Geography. You can now access the Geography syllabus using this link:
You can also choose to compile information of your choice from that page and...